West Side Young Authors Contest

The lower grade winner is Chasey Taylor!  In her "The Night Before Christmas Eve," Lulu and Jasper are transported to a strange magical forest. After a day of fun and unicorn rides, they attempt to return to their own world in time for Christmas, only to find that the Queen of Rainbow River Falls has devised a four-part challenge for them as a condition of their return. Will they be able to overcome their challenges and the Queen herself?
Rosalie Pochan is the upper grade winner!  Her "The Black Castle" is a fantasy story about a 13 year old princess, Aura Ella Thorn, who lives in the land of Mystacore. The Black Castle has a secret! Aura must discover its secret so she can defend the castle from a great danger that threatens it. Luckily, she knows magic.

Both works will be included in a digital anthology and a certificate will be awarded to each author by a local children's author and illustrator. This year's award ceremony will be a virtual Zoom event during which the writers may present their work, if they would like.

Thank you Chasey and Rosalie for the incredible gifts of "The Night Before Christmas Eve" and "The Black Castle." What a pleasure they were to read!