How Does Your Garden Take Care Of YOU?
As reported by First and Second Grade to Ms Stefanie on a rainy day
Greg - Gardens grow us food
Geo - The Chickens give us eggs to eat
Arlo - The bees and the flowers pollinate to give us food
Leo - The gardens give us fruit like strawberries
Cambria - The garden makes us breathe
Grayson - The garden makes the air and helps us breathe
Arlo - Actually, there already is air but plants give us oxygen
August - I figured something out, we give air to the plants, they give air back.
Elise - The trees gives us oxygen, the rain waters the plants
Geo - And, its raining right now
Anders - By ladybugs eat the bugs that try to eat our fruit
Geo - The chickens eat with their tiny beaks and tongues
Greg - The garden grows very healthy stuff
August - The chickens eat the weeds
Arlo - The tree leaves also help make medicines for us. Some types of leaf you can eat after you boil it.
Avery - The rain gives us trees, and the trees give us apples.
August - Sheep give us wool. Herbs can help us heal.
Cambria - The chickens eat ticks.Jaymus - We can have fun in it and it is a home for the chickens and insects and produces food that we can eat.
Grayson - It is a fun place to be, produces some things some kids have never seen and we get to build tiny structures
Eli - Some of the plants make skin care oils, stuff for cooking, helping your body, helps you if you are sick, medicines
Lucy - Provides food for animals and insects
Monica - Gardens take care of the environment and provide food for moles
Preston - Gardens create oxygen
Brayden - Trees give us more trees after trees are cut down
Lena - we can find cool animals like the sharp tailed snake
Lucy - animals make soil and bring seeds
Eli - Aloe is an example of a plant that can help your skin