Message From Mrs. Brooks
I am so proud of this class of sixth graders! They produced an amazing play about the Greek god, Heracles. Zoey Kelder and Gracie Johnson wrote the play with editing help from Nico Romo, Leila Schmoyer, Fiona O’Sullivan, Claire Kelder and Luis Lopez. Our sound effect crew brought the action to life. Special acknowledgment to Kamila Gutierrez, Bella Abel, Tommy Dericco, Matisse Van Keirsblick, Liam Wilch, Peyton Mauritson, and Nico Romo. Our backstage managers were Zoey Kelder and Darin Juric who kept everyone organized and made sure the actors and props were in the right place at the right time.
Rose and Crew get a special shout-out for helping all the actors with their costumes. Thank you to Rosalie, Natalie, Claire, Fiona, Ellie, and Leila for making the cast look fantastic!
Sets and props were created by Uly, Jocelyn, Natalie, Andrew, Darin, Owen, and Ellie.
Special thanks to Matisse for coming up with the role of Jim Bob performed by Harrison.
Mrs. Brooks